For Book Lovers

This blog is for the book lovers who live for the moments they can sit down with a book and dive into another world. We live for the universes created by today's innovative authors. Welcome.

Friday, May 27, 2016

A Strangely, Amazingly, Beautiful Book

Hello everyone!

I spent my day driving to and from New York City on Sunday afternoon, and I successfully filled all this time (traffic and all) reading one of the books that has been on my to-read shelf for a few weeks. I just happened to pick up The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

This book completely captured by attention and I could not possibly put it down for the entire car ride. The story twists and turn and takes the reader through a back story that is a plot line I never knew I would love, but I absolutely loved it. 

Ava's story is heartbreaking and comes as something that was in the back of my mind when I met her, but I couldn't have ever imagined how amazingly Walton would write it. The entirety of Ava's family's story, starting with her grandmother all the way to her brother, is amazing and is truly on like any other novel. 

This story is one you will never find any where else and it is completely worth a read, or a few. Plus it has a beautiful cover, so, a definite added bonus!

Monday, May 23, 2016

I'm Back?!

So, I have almost been absent for a year now, but I've gotten my life together and I'm ready to start up this blog again! I have read a lot of books in the past 10 months and I'm super excited to share them all with you! Hopefully I will be a lot better at keeping up with the blog because I really do want to keep up with this.

Alright, I also need some help, my friend just asked me for a list of books she should read this summer, and while I have many ideas of what she should add, I also want to see if anyone out there has any other ideas! So leave a comment if you have a book suggestion to add to my recommended reading for this summer!